The links on this page are my personal collection of great resources for learning, including blogs, websites, talks, and videos. I often revisit them multiple times because I always learn something new.
- React: Rethinking best practices by Pete Hunt
- Simply React by Kent C. Dodds
- Making the DOM declarative by Michael Jackson (no, not THAT Michael Jackson)
- Never Write Another Higher Order Component by Michael Jackson
- Getting Closure on React Hooks by swyx
- Using Composition in React to Avoid "Prop Drilling" by Michael Jackson
- React is Fiction by Jenn Creighton
- The Beginner's Guide to React (free Egghead course) by Kent C. Dodds
- A Complete Guide to useEffect by Dan Abramov
- Refactoring React: Which component pattern can improve your codebase? by Siddharth Kshetrapal
- JavaScript Promises in Depth, a great free course on Egghead.
- The Evolution of Async JavaScript: From Callbacks, to Promises, to Async/Await, a cool video by Tyler McGinnis
- Imperative vs Declarative Programming, a blog post by Tyler McGinnis
- Everything You Need to Know About GraphQL in 3 Components, a funny and very interactive talk by Eve Procello
Learning, teaching, and speaking
- How To Talk To Developers, a hilarious talk with great presentational tips by Ben Orenstein
- Rubber Duck Debugging - How to Solve a Problem, by Coder Foundry about how explaining things helps you understand better
- Why it is important for developers to teach, great insights on why everyone can and should teach by MPJ of Fun Fun Function