Hi, I am Bouwe!

I am a software engineer at WebinarGeek in The Netherlands.

I like learning new technologies and sharing my learning by blogging, streaming, and speaking.

Currently, I am working with React, TypeScript, XState, and React Testing Library.

Recent blog posts

Simplifying Frontend Development with Temba: A Quick Backend Solution

Temba is a library I created to help developers quickly spin up a backend web API

Jul 12, 2024 · 3 minute read

Throwing errors, just to be sure

Why I think it's a bad idea to throw errors in your own code yourself, as a convenience, or just to be sure...

Mar 26, 2023 · 5 minute read

How (and why!) to start with content creation

Content creation is a great way to level up as a developer, and improve your hard and soft skills. It makes you more visible, and distinguishes you from other developers.

Mar 23, 2023 · 4 minute read

My career path - Where do I want to go?

My reflection on my career and what a possible next step could be.

Jan 17, 2023 · 3 minute read

What is a finite state machine?

Let's talk about state machines, a very nice way to structure application logic.

Jan 11, 2023 · 4 minute read

All blog posts »

Blog categories

100 days of code (6) · APIs (1) · About me (7) · Architecture (1) · Blogging (4) · Career (3) · Content creation (7) · Currying (3) · Elm (3) · Error handling (2) · Functional programming (6) · Gatsby (4) · JavaScript (4) · Nederlands (1) · Netlify (1) · React (12) · State machines (1) · Teaching (3) · Temba (1) · Testing (2) · Workshops (5) · render props (4) · simple calculation game (3) · useEffect (4) · useReducer (2)