Currying: What is it?

Mar 14, 2021 · JavaScript, Functional programming, Currying · 6 minute read


Functional programming is a very intruiging paradigm for me. Some of the concepts I already use regularly, such as declarative programming, pure functions and higher order functions, especially when writing NodeJS or React.

However, there are also concepts that I find a bit hard to grasp. Currying, for example, so I decided to learn this by trying it out and while doing that, write about it.

A real world example?

Most people try to explain currying with very simple functions, for example one that adds up two numbers. I totally agree with such an approach to keep it simple, but somehow, after I started understanding currying, I failed to see the benefit of it. So I decided to use an example that (hopefully) is a bit more realistic.

So I came up with the following log function, which you can use to perform logging in your app. You have to specify the date and time the event occurred, the severity of the event ("INFO", "WARN", "ERROR", etc.) and a message describing what happened.

function log(datetime, severity, message) {
  console.log(`${datetime} [${severity}] - ${message}`);

Here are some examples how you could use the log function:

// Informational logging:
log(new Date().toISOString(), "INFO", "The service has started");

// Error logging:
  new Date().toISOString(),
  "An exception occurred: " + error.message

// etc.

Because of how the log function works, it means you always have to pass all 3 arguments. This might cause a bit of overhead and can even be error-prone.

For example, you'll probably want to make sure only supported severity values are passed, because other values wouldn't make any sense, so you probably want to validate or (even better) restrict that.

The only proper way of restricting severity values is using TypeScript, which we won't cover in this blog post.

What we can do is create some utility logging functions that, when logging, save us some key strokes, so probably reduce mistakes, but also make it more clear how to do logging, by offering the following abstractions:

const logInfo = (message) => log(new Date().toISOString(), "INFO", message);
const logError = (message) => log(new Date().toISOString(), "ERROR", message);
// etc. for the other severities...

By creating these functions I use a principle called partial application: Creating functions out of other functions, supplying known values up front, so I only need to pass the values I only know at the moment when I use them. In this case it means the datetime and severity are known and the message is something that differs per logging call.

JavaScript technically speaking, with this abstractions I created some closures.

A closure is the combination of a function bundled together (enclosed) with references to its surrounding state (the lexical environment). In other words, a closure gives you access to an outer function’s scope from an inner function. In JavaScript, closures are created every time a function is created, at function creation time.

MDN Web Docs

Everywhere I need to log, based on the severity I want I choose the applicable function so I only need to pass the message:

logInfo("This is an informational message!");
logError("An exception occurred!");

Enter currying

What we've achieved by introducing the closures is reducing the amount of code we need, but also using function composition: Out of the log function we created more specific functions.

Let's take this a step further and reduce our code by composing functions without using closures: currying.

Currying is a technique where you transform a function so that it doesn't receive all parameters at once, but expects all parameters one by one. To achieve this, the curried version of the function needs to return another function, which in turn returns another function, until all arguments have been passed.

This may sound confusing, so before I explain further, let's first transform our log function to a curried one:

function log(datetime) {
  return function (severity) {
    return function (message) {
      console.log(`${datetime} [${severity}] - ${message}`);

Here you see the log function now only expects the datetime argument, which is the first argument of the original log function. Then it returns a new function, which expects the second argument, severity. Finally, a function is returned for providing the message argument, which does the actual logging.

Although the most inner function only receives the message, it can also use datetime and severity because that is how closures work.

Now you might think, what is the purpose of transforming a function like this?

Well, what we can do now is compose new logging functions like this:

const logInformation = log(new Date().toISOString())("INFO");
const logError = log(new Date().toISOString())("ERROR");

This again is an example of partial application: We pass the arguments we already know, datetime and severity, but the third argument, message, we leave for the moment the code knows what that message should be depending on the place where it is called.

Notice that composing abstractions out of the log function does not require using closures anymore, which reduces the amount of code even more. The only place we use closures is inside the log function itself.

To do the actual logging hasn't changed:

logInfo("This is an informational message!");
logError("An exception occurred!");

Finally, I want to show you a way of making the curried log function even more concise by using arrow functions only:

const log = (datetime) => (severity) => (message) =>
  console.log(`${datetime} [${severity}] - ${message}`);

Personally, I don't think this makes things more readable, but you could do it like this if you want.

Hybrid currying

What we've just done is changing the log function so it supports currying. However, what if we want to have a choice, either using the curried approach or the original way of just passing the 3 arguments ourselves?

Let's go back to the original log function, because this is the one we want to keep:

function log(datetime, severity, message) {
  console.log(`${datetime} [${severity}] - ${message}`);

And instead we create a function that can make any function curried:

function curry(fn) {
  return function curried(...args) {
    if (args.length >= fn.length) return fn(...args);
    return function (a) {
      return curried(...[...args, a]);

Check out this video by Derick where he creates this curry function and explains how it works:

Next, let's create a curriedLog function by calling the curry function and passing the log function:

let curriedLog = curry(log);

What we can do now is logging by calling curriedLog and pass arguments however we want:

// We can call log with all 3 arguments:
curriedLog(new Date().toISOString(), "INFO", "The service has started");

// We can pass all arguments separately:
curriedLog(new Date().toISOString())("INFO")("The service has started");

// And we can apply partial application:
const logInfo = curriedLog(new Date().toISOString())("INFO");
logInfo("The service has started");

// etc. etc.

Normally you wouldn't create the curry function yourself, but use a library like Lodash, Ramda, etc. for that instead, but I think it's nice to show how you could transform a normal function into a curried function.

D-d-did you spot the bug? 😱

After I published this blog post someone pointed out my code contained a bug. Oh no!

What will happen when you use the partial applied functions I created out of the curried log function, every single log entry would have the same date and time, which is not very convenient when you want to investigate your log files.

Let's look again at these partially applied functions:

const logInformation = log(new Date().toISOString())("INFO");
const logError = log(new Date().toISOString())("ERROR");

The functions I create here have fixed values for the datetime and the severity arguments. The latter is fine of course, but the date and time needs to be dynamic.

It took me a while to figure out a decent way to fix this, but the same person that spotted the bug helped me out greatly. Instead of the fixed date and time we pass in an object that lazily determines the date and time:

var datetime = {
  toString: () => new Date().toISOString(),

const logInformation = log(datetime)("INFO");
const logError = log(datetime)("ERROR");

And because the log function uses a string literal, the toString function on the datetime object is called, resulting in a current date and time. Sweet!


I really learned a lot from exploring currying and writing about it. And although we now know what currying is and seen how to use it and what the some of the characteristics are, I am not yet fully convinced of how useful currying is.

Apart from that it is a cool skill and just, like many other functional programming patterns, is another, refreshing way of programming.

However, we've only touched the surface of currying and there is more to say, for example about other ways of function composition, so I will write another blog post soon.

If my blog post is (still) not clear (or simply wrong), please let me know on Twitter!

To fiddle around with the code I used in this blog post, check out this CodeSandbox or the GitHub repository.

If you want to know more you can check out some of the links below.

Acknowledgements and tips

A read quite a few articles and watched many videos to learn currying.

The first video that made it click for me was this step by step video by Steve Griffith:

A great article about currying with JavaScript that inspired me to use the logging example is Currying Partials.

The curry function I showed you I got from this video where Derick explains how to write it:

MPJ of Fun Fun Function also does a great (and funny as always) job explaining currying:

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