Render Props Part IV - Keep It Simple Stupid

Sep 18, 2019 · React, render props, useEffect · 3 minute read


I wrote several blog posts about my learning process of the render props pattern. With every blog post I learned something new, but also made mistakes. But that's what learning is about. And because I am learning in public, it kind of forces me to fix things that could be better.

In my previous post (part 3) about the render props pattern, I thought I kind of finished my implementation of the Toggle component. However, I used the useEffect hook, which is a great learning experience, but now, a few months later, I realized in this case, it is not necessary to use useEffect for what I wanted to achieve.

In this blog post I will explain you why.

Do you haz teh codez?

Sure, this is my Toggle component from part 3:

function Toggle({ render, onToggle }) {
  const [on, setOn] = useState(false);

  function doToggle() {

  useEffect(() => {
    if (onToggle) onToggle(on);
  }, [on]);

  return <>{render(doToggle)}</>;

The Toggle component receives two props. The first is the render prop, which is the function that renders the UI. That render function is returned by the Toggle component, because that is what React components do, they always return a piece of UI.

When calling the render function in the return the doToggle function is passed. That function is called when the user toggles the UI. When a toggle takes place the on state of the Toggle component is inversed, true becomes false and false becomes true.

The useEffect responds to the fact the value of the on state and calls the second prop that is passed in the Toggle component: the onToggle. This is a callback function passed by the component that uses the Toggle component. What typically happens when calling the onToggle is that there happens some kind of state change in the component that uses the Toggle component.

Why useEffect?

As soon as the on state value changes, I use the useEffect to pass that new state value to the callback function so the parent component also can use that new value.

I thought I had to "wait" for the state change to really have happened before I could call the callback function, because that's the moment I know the new state value for sure.

However, at the moment I set the new on value with setOn, I already know the new value! It's right there in the code where I pass it to setOn! 8-|


So why not call the callback right away with that same value:

function Toggle({ render, onToggle }) {
  const [on, setOn] = useState(false);

  function doToggle() {

  return <>{render(doToggle)}</>;

Oh, and by the way... There was also a bug in my useEffect code. The useEffect is calling the onToggle callback function which makes it a dependency and therefore should be added to the dependency array. However, we've removed the useEffect entirely, so that's not an issue anymore.

How I figured this out

After writing part 3 it kept on disturbing me I had to use such a complicated solution for such a common and simple problem. So I started googling arround and stumbled upon this Reddit post.

There Mr Dan Abramov himself explains why you can not have the new state value right away. And also that this is not a problem most of the times as you define the new state value yourself and then can do with it whatever you want.

He explains with code that looks something like this:

const [count, setCount] = useState(0);

function handleClick() {
  // you can't expect this to somehow immediately change the count, we even declared it with const :-)
  console.log(count); // 0
  // but on next render, count will be 42

I think the code comments explain a lot. :)


By writing this blog I not only learned something new, I also fixed crappy code and, last but not least, have a better understanding of the useState and useEffect hooks.

And I realized that learning in public can be a bit awkward, but more importantly, learning by sharing is a great way to solidify what you learn.

To see the code, check out this CodeSandbox or the Github repo.

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